Vali-Asr Street Made into a One-Way Street Due to Protests- Aug. 24, '09 | Persian2English

September 07, 2009

Date: August 24, 2009 Source: Freedom Messenger


After the recent elections and the turmoil that ensued, many aspects of life in Iran has changed. One such change is the decision to make Vali-Asr street, the longest street in Tehran and the Middle East, a one-way street. The reason for the change is due to the recent protests and the militia forces not being able to control the protesters on this street. Also, by making it a one-way street, army forces can use Vali-Asr street to get to the protests faster. Although, this decision had been announced as public transportation needs, it was only for recent politics turmoil. Vali-Asr street, especially around north side of city Vanak and Tajrish Square, had been one of the most important centres for protesters to show their disapproval of the recent elections.


Tags: change, elections, iran, middle east, neda, tajrish, tehran, uprising, vali asr, vanak
